AFPC Hosts Russian Author in Washington

Related Categories: Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Russia

On Tuesday February 3, AFPC hosted a small working luncheon with Mr. Victor Suvorov. Suvorov, a former Soviet army officer who served in military intelligence, defected in 1978 to the United Kingdom. He is the author of eighteen books that have been translated into more than twenty languages. His better known works included: Inside the Aquarium: the Making of a Top Soviet Spy and Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War?

Mr. Suvorov joined a group of academics and scholars to discuss his most recent book, The Chief Culprit: Stalin's Grand Design to Start WWII. Attendees enjoyed a thoughtful and lively discussion and included: Mr. Ilan Berman, AFPC Vice President for Policy; Mr. Ariel Cohen, Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation; Mr. E. Wayne Merry, AFPC Senior Associate; Mr. Herman Pirchner, Jr., AFPC President; and, Mr. David Satter, Hoover Institution Research Fellow.