Great Power Podcast - Episode 35: Countering China’s Great Game

Related Categories: Democracy and Governance; Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues; International Economics and Trade; China
Related Expert: Michael Sobolik

In this episode of GREAT POWER PODCAST, Michael Sobolik turns over the hosting chair to Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) for a discussion about Michael's new book, Countering China's Great Game.

Note: the episode was originally published on Rep. Crenshaw's podcast, We Hold These Truths. This episode is excerpted from that broader conversation.

Guest biography

Originally from the Houston area, Rep. Dan Crenshaw is a proud 6th generation Texan. In 2006, Rep. Crenshaw graduated from Tufts University, where he earned his Naval officer commission through Navy ROTC. Following graduation, he immediately reported to SEAL training in Coronado, CA, where he met his future wife, Tara. After graduating SEAL training, Rep. Crenshaw deployed to Fallujah, Iraq to join SEAL Team Three, his first of five deployments overseas. In November 2018, Rep. Crenshaw was elected to represent the people of Texas’s Second Congressional District. In Congress, he serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has the broadest jurisdiction of any legislative committee in Congress.