Asian Security Program Briefing: China Shakes the Regional Order: Perspectives from India and Japan

Related Categories: Democracy and Governance; International Economics and Trade; China; East Asia; India; South Asia; Southeast Asia
Related Expert: Jeff Smith

On June 17, AFPC Director of Asian Security Programs and Kraemer Strategy Fellow Jeff M. Smith led a briefing for congressional staffers at AFPC’s Capitol Hill headquarters titled: “China Shakes the Regional Order: Perspectives from India and Japan.” Based on findings from his late-May trip to Delhi and Tokyo, Smith explained to congressional staff how two key U.S. partners in the Indo-Pacific were receiving recent Chinese efforts to challenge the status quo. He also detailed how China’s recent and unprecedented effort to build artificial islands in the disputed South China Sea was presenting new challenges to freedom of navigation there. 

 He also explored the growing anxiety in the region that is fostering closer strategic collaboration between India and Japan.

Smith’s briefing was one in a series hosted by AFPC to inform and educate congressional staffers on global issues.