Six of the panel discussions will be dedicated to assessing Ukraine’s ability to cope with the unfolding Russian invasion in the classical security dimensions: land (regular/territorial); sea/maritime defense; air/air defense; intel/cyber warfare; information warfare; energy & infrastructure safety. The remaining two panels would consider Ukraine’s capacity to engage in “irregular/insurgency warfare”, if deemed necessary. Two of the highlight focus sessions would be devoted to considering why Ukraine’s security matters enough - to its neighbors and the world at large - to merit serious military assistance in time of need. The other two focus sessions would concentrate on the means by which Ukraine might attain the stated assistance.
Wednesday March 2
9:00 am – 9:05 am The 'Why and How' of the forum
9:05 am – 9:20 am Welcome Address
Speaker: HE Oksana Markarova [Ambassador of Ukraine to the United States]
9:20 am – 10:30 am – Dialogue Panel Discussion I
Theme: Assessing Ukraine’s Land Force Capacity to Slow Down and Even Halt the Russia's Invading Forces
Discussion Moderator: Amb. William Taylor [Executive Vice President/US Institute of Peace]
Panelists: Maj. Gen. Volodymyr Havrilov [Director/Veterans Dozen Foundation]
Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges [Pershing Chair/Center for European Policy Analysis]
Lead Discussant: Luke Coffey [Director/Allison Center/Heritage Foundation]
10:30 am – 11:40 am – Dialogue Panel Discussion II
Theme: Assessing Ukraine’s Maritime & Coastal Defense Situation in the Face of the Invasion
Discussion Moderator: Amb. Alexander Vershbow [Distinguished Fellow/Atlantic Council]
Panelists: Adm. Ihor Kabanenko [President/Ukrainian Advanced Project Agency]
RAdm. Mark Montgomery [Senior Director/Center on Cyber Technology Innovation]
Lead Discussant: Glen Howard [President/Jamestown Foundation]
11:40 am – 12:25 pm Dialogue Focus Session I
Theme: Why Ukraine Matters and Warrants Assistance With Its Security Issues - UA Perspective
Chair: Andrew Futey [President/Ukrainian Congress Committee of America]
Featured Speaker: Serhiy Kvit [President Elect KMA Nat. University/UA Min. of Education 2014-2016]
12:25 am – 1:35 pm – Dialogue Panel Discussion III
Theme: Evaluating Ukraine’s Air & Air Defense Capabilities - Are they Holding Up Under the Stress?
Discussion Moderator: Amb. Kurt Volker [Senior Fellow/Center for European Policy Analysis]
Panelists: Andriy Zahorodnyuk [Minister of Defense of Ukraine 2019-2020]
Gen Phillip Breedlove [GA Tech Distinguished Prof. of Practice/SACEUR 2013-1016]
Lead Discussant: Stephen Blank [Senior Fellow/Foreign Policy Research Institute]
1:35 pm – 2:45 pm – Dialogue Panel Discussion IV
Theme: Evaluating Ukraine’s Intel & Cyber-Warfare Capabilities - Are they Holding Up in the 'Fog of War'?
Discussion Moderator: Amb. William Courtney [BFL Executive Director/RAND Corporation]
Panelists: Oleksandr Danylyuk [Ctr. for Defense Reform Director/Fmr. Head-UA Foreign Intel]
RAdm. Mark Montgomery [Senior Director/Center on Cyber Technology Innovation]
Lead Discussant: Katerina Sedova [Research Fellow/CSET/Georgetown University]
2:45 pm – 3:30 pm – Dialogue Focus Session I
Theme: Why Ukraine Matters and Warrants Assistance With Its Security Issues - US Perspective
Chair: Herman Pirchner [President/American Foreign Policy Council]
Featured Speaker: Amb. Samantha Power [Administrator/United States Agency for International Development]
Thursday March 3
9:00 am – 9:05 am First Day Reprise
9:05 am – 9:30 am Dialogue Panel Discussion VII
Theme: If Ukraine Matters and Merits Help, What Kind of Aid Package Would Be Appropriate? – A Word from the House
Chair: Paul Bandriwsky [Vice President/Ukrainian Congress Committee of America –IL Div.]
Featured Speaker: Rep. Mike Quigley [D-IL][Co-Chair/Congressional Ukraine Caucus][CONFIRMED]
9:30 am – 10:40 am – Dialogue Panel Discussion V
Theme: Evaluating Ukraine’s Ability to Cope with Influence Operations & Information Warfare in the Present Circumstances
Discussion Moderator: Amb. Daniel Fried [Distinguished Fellow/Atlantic Council]
Panelists: Hanna Hopko [ANTS Network Chair/Rada Foreign Affairs Comm. Chair 2014-2019]
Janusz Bugajski [Senior Fellow/Jamestown Foundation]
Lead Discussant: Melinda Haring [Deputy Director/Eurasia Center/Atlantic Council]
10:40 am – 11:50 am – Dialogue Panel Discussion VI
Theme: Taking Measure of the War's Impact on Ukraine's Energy Resources and Key Industrial Infrastructure
Discussion Moderator: Amb. Roman Popadiuk [President/Diplomacy Center Foundation]
Panelists: Mykhailo Honchar [President /Centre for Global Studies ‘Strategy XXI’]
Margarita Assenova [Senior Fellow/Jamestown Foundation]
Lead Discussant: Ariel Cohen [Director/Energy, Growth, and Security Program/ITIC]
11:50 am – 12:25 pm – A Word from the Ukrainian World Congress
Chair: Tamara Gallo Olexy [VP for North America/ Ukrainian World Congress[
Speaker: Stefan Romaniw [1st Vice President/Ukrainian World Congress]
12:25 pm – 1:35 pm – Dialogue Panel Discussion V
Theme: Exploring the Possibility of Ukraine Making Its Territory Incapable of Being Securely Occupied - How?
Discussion Moderator: Robert McConnell [Co-Founder & Principal/US-Ukraine Foundation]
Panelists: Gen. Wesley Clark [President/WKC Associates/SACEUR 1997-2000]
Phillip Karber [President/Potomac Foundation]
Lead Discussant: Ostap Kryvdyk [Ukrainian Strategic Initiative]
1:35 pm – 2:45 pm – Dialogue Panel Discussion VI
Theme: Do Ukraine’s Allies Have the Will/Tools to Help Ukraine Make Its Territory Incapable of Being Securely Occupied
Discussion Moderator: Amb. John Herbst [Director/Eurasia Center/Atlantic Council]
Panelists: James Sherr OBE [EE International Center for Defence and Security]
Jill Sinclair [Exec. Director, External Engagement & Partnerships, CA Defence Acad.]
Lead Discussant: Adrian Karatnycky [Managing Director/Myrmidon Group]
2:45 pm – 3:30 pm – Dialogue Focus Session IV
Theme: If Ukraine Matters and Merits Help, What Kind of Aid Package Would Be Appropriate? – A Word from the Senate
Chair: Orest Deychakiwsky [Policy Advisor/US Helsinki Commission 1981-2019]
Featured Speaker: Sen. Roger Wicker [R-MS][Ranking Member/US Helsinki Commission][CONFIRMED]
Co-sponsors: American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC), Center for US-Ukrainian Relations, The Jamestown Foundation, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) and the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation.