
Russian Ground Battlefield Robots: A Candid Evaluation and Ways Forward

June 24, 2018 Samuel Bendett Mad Scientist Laboratory

Russia, like many other nations, is investing in the development of various unmanned military systems. The Russian defense establishment sees such systems as mission multipliers, highlighting two major advantages: saving soldiers’ lives and making military missions more effective.

In AI, Russia Is Hustling To Catch Up

April 3, 2018 Samuel Bendett Defense One

When Vladimir Putin said last fall that artificial intelligence is "humanity's future" and that the country that masters it will "get to rule the world," some observers guessed that the Russian president was hinting at unrevealed progress and breakthroughs in the field.

What Moscow Thinks About When It Thinks About War Robots

March 16, 2018 Samuel Bendett War is Boring

Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu made a significant announcement in mid-March 2018 at a domestic technology forum. "The serial production of combat robots for the Russian armed forces may start already this year," he stated.