AFPC Recent Historical Presence in Ukraine

Related Categories: Europe Military; Public Diplomacy and Information Operations; Warfare; NATO; Russia; Ukraine

For over two decades, the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) has upheld a steady relationship with Ukrainian leadership, including senior officials in the Presidential Office, members of the Rada (parliament), cabinet members, defense agencies, and intelligence services. Visits to several important cities across the country including Kiev, Kharkiv, Poltova, and the Donbas region have helped to solidify authentic relationships between AFPC experts and Ukrainians. Though there has been a significant global increase in focus on Ukraine since the 2022 invasion by Russian forces, AFPC has been deeply invested in Ukrainian affairs for years, as displayed throughout the following images.

*Special thanks to AFPC Researcher Margaux Miller for sifting through hundreds of pictures, distilling numerous trip reports and meeting notes to concisely convey this captivating visual presentation.

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