The American Foreign Policy Council is developing a strategic vision for the future of global engagement. As the world evolves, the scholars and experts at AFPC develop new analysis and ideas that are incredibly useful for key policymakers. Under the leadership of Herman Pirchner, this organization is a vital resource for anyone looking for valuable foreign policy insights.
Under Herman Pirchner's leadership, AFPC has maintained critical yet discreet contacts with key allies, friends, and even adversaries, providing important and valuable perspectives to American policymakers of both parties. AFPC's publications and testimonies before Congress have been a source of keen insights that are critical for long-term policy decisions. And it has accomplished all this with a staff that is a fraction the size of many of its Washington counterparts.
Ideas begin in surprisingly few places. The American Foreign Policy Council is one of them. The work the Council does helps to educate and inform the country’s leaders, and their suggestions help guide them in the conduct of foreign affairs.
Donors get more bang for the buck with AFPC than with any other think tank I know of. I am proud of my decades of association with Herman and his talented colleagues. Their work has a tremendous impact.
When AFPC invites you to a dinner/meeting/conference featuring high-level overseas guests, rearrange your schedule to attend if at all possible. You will never be wasting your time. Open, candid sessions such as these are rare and invaluable in engendering trust and better understanding between the U.S. and key countries around the world.
Access to foreign leaders, scholarly research, and a highly valued perspective are the hallmarks of this exceptional organization. For decades, AFPC has used this foundation to provide timely and critical information and insight to our country’s national security leaders.
Powerful and articulate, AFPC has established itself as an authoritative voice on foreign policy and national security.
In my many years in the Washington policy community -- both as a scholar and in government as a senior policymaker -- I learned long ago that one can always rely upon AFPC's experts to provide thoughtful insights that draw upon an extraordinarily deep reservoir of practitioner experience and scholarly integrity. Its sterling reputation is well earned.