AFPC Webinar Turkey’s Changing Trajectory

Related Expert: Ilan I. BermanSvante E. Cornell

Under the leadership of its strongman president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey has emerged over the past two decades as one of the Middle East’s most complex strategic actors. It is simultaneously a key NATO member, a state with deepening authoritarian tendencies, and an alternative ideological pole in an increasingly polarized region. This webinar will explore the changing shape of Turkish foreign policy, the priorities that animate Ankara today, and the relationship between Erdogan’s government and Islamist actors, both in the Mideast region and beyond.


- Soner Cagaptay, PhD - Beyer Family fellow and director, Turkish Research Program, The Washington Institute

- Svante Cornell, PhD - director of research and publications, American Foreign Policy Council's Central Asia-Caucasus Institute


- Ilan Berman - Senior Vice President, American Foreign Policy Council

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