Resource Security Watch No. 51
China's fishing fleet goes global...;
...And encroaches on Africa;
Dam destruction an act of Russian eco-terrorism;
Rabat's grain dilemma
China's fishing fleet goes global...;
...And encroaches on Africa;
Dam destruction an act of Russian eco-terrorism;
Rabat's grain dilemma
Washington worries about the Arctic...;
...As Moscow mobilizes in the region;
Breaking China's stranglehold on the rare Earths market;
Recognizing the Holodomor
China and Africa's critical minerals;
The environmental risks of the Ukraine war;
A scramble for the Arctic
Tackling Africa's food and flooding crisis;
Anticipating an energy transition;
U.S., UAE building clean energy framework;
The fight over french water
AFPC has visited Ukraine routinely over the years, but none of our trips there (or elsewhere, for that matter) has been anything like our wartime visit to the capital Kyiv and port city Odesa January 20- 29.