
Iran Democracy Monitor No. 235

July 17, 2024 Ilan I. Berman, Grace Yetter


More breathing room for Iranian society…;
…But no deviation from revolutionary principles;
A lack of confidence in the regime;
New nuclear diplomacy with the West?

Israel Should Get The Weapons It Needs To Win

May 23, 2024 Lawrence J. Haas 19fortyfive

President Biden has been pressing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to invade Rafah, Hamas’ last stronghold, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken in recent days blasted Jerusalem for lacking a plan to protect civilians in Gaza. Washington even offered to help Israel gather the intelligence to pinpoint the whereabouts of Hamas officials if Jerusalem abandoned its invasion plans.

Iran’s Unexpected Regional Revival

May 14, 2024 Ilan I. Berman Horizons

On April 13th, the "shadow war" that has raged between Israel and Iran for decades finally broke into the open. That day, Iran's clerical regime fired over 300 drones and missiles at Israeli territory in retaliation for Israel's targeting of a top Iranian military commander in Syria days earlier. The massive Iranian attack, and Israel's limited response days later, has ushered in an ominous new "balance of terror" in the Middle East.