Defense Technology Program Briefing: Human Enhancement and National Security

Related Categories: Arms Control and Proliferation; Cybersecurity and Cyberwarfare; Democracy and Governance; Military Innovation; Science and Technology
Related Expert: Richard M. Harrison

On June 1, AFPC’s Defense Technology program continued its lunchtime briefing series for Congressional Staff in the House and Senatewith a briefing on "Engineering Humans for War: The Future of Super Soldiers - Opportunities, Concerns, and Options for Legislation."

AFPC Defense Technology program Director Rich Harrison moderated the event, which featured a presentation by Andrew Herr, the CEO of Helicase, an Adjunct Professor of Security Studies at Georgetown University, and an Adjunct Fellow at the Center for a New American Security.

Herr’s briefing focused on the impact of enhanced warfighters, and what the United States needs to do in order to maintain its advantage on a rapidly changing technological battlefield.

As a follow-up to this event, Rich Harrison will pen an article in the Fall 2017 Defense Dossier concentrating on the subject of human performance enhancement and its intersection with national security.