Strategic Primer - Nuclear Weapons Modernization
This work seeks to provide insights into the role U.S. nuclear weapons play in advancing America’s security, and the rationale for modernizing U.S. nuclear weapons and their delivery platforms.
This work seeks to provide insights into the role U.S. nuclear weapons play in advancing America’s security, and the rationale for modernizing U.S. nuclear weapons and their delivery platforms.
This work seeks to provide insights into the electromagnetic threats to U.S. security, particularly from a nuclear generated Electromagnetic Pulse attack, and public policy responses to them.
Remotely Piloted Aircrafts (RPAs, or drones) are playing an increasingly important role in modern warfare, and performing a growing nunmber of surveillance and reconnaissance missions at home and abroad.
The goal of the new Strategic Primer initiative is to provide a concise, comprehensive overview of specific defense technology issues presented in a clear, direct, and graphical manner that serves as an accessible reference to policymakers. Volume 2 of the series focuses on Cybersecurity.
The world has long known of the existence of a virtual ocean of underground oil and gas deposits imprisoned in “tight,” low-permeable shale rock formations. Until recently, however, it was convinced there was no profitable extract them.