Rehna Sheth
Areas Of Expertise
- Asia Politics and Security
- China International Relations
- India
- U.S. National Security Strategy
Rehna Sheth joined the American Foreign Policy Council as a Research Fellow and Program Officer in August 2022 and now serves as a Fellow in South Asia Studies. Ms. Sheth specializes in U.S. national security and the Indo-Pacific region, with an emphasis on U.S.-China and U.S.-India relations, and serves as editor of AFPC’s South Asia Strategy Monitor e-bulletin, AFPC’s review of political and strategic developments in South Asia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Affairs from the University of Georgia, with minors in Disaster Management and Spanish. Before joining AFPC, Ms. Sheth advanced her interest in U.S.-Asia relations by holding internships with the U.S. Department of State—Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, the U.S.-Asia Institute, the India China America Institute, and the World Affairs Council of Atlanta.