While some of these subjects have been key components of U.S. policy planning for decades, others are comparatively new. Yet all are essential to U.S. national security and the conduct of American foreign policy. The work of AFPC’s Foreign Policy and National Security Program seeks to inform and educate U.S. policymakers about such key topics, which are vital to the country’s security and prosperity.
Through a regular schedule of speeches, articles and media appearances, AFPC scholars and professionals seek to inform and educate the general public regarding a variety of topics that are essential to the national security of the United States.
AFPC’s newest e-bulletin, the Resource Security Watch, is designed to track changing global environmental conditions and their impact on foreign policy and the international security environment. Published monthly, the Resource Security Watch is distributed widely to subscribers on Capitol Hill, the Beltway policy community, and the media.
AFPC carries out periodic briefings and hosts occasional conferences dealing with a broad range of national security-related topics. These events, featuring leading subject matter experts and influential policy shapers, are designed to inform and educate Congressional staff, the media and the general public on vital foreign policy and national security issues.
Want the inside track on the latest international developments? Host Annie Swingen speaks with AFPC scholars and professionals to get cutting edge analysis on the biggest stories in foreign policy.