For the United States, Asia represents a region of significant security challenges and enormous political and economic opportunity.

Associated Scholars: Larry M. Wortzel, Alexander B. Gray, Joshua Eisenman, Michael Sobolik, James B. Skinner, Iskander Rehman, Rehna Sheth, Jordan Savage, Andrew Liang

AFPC’s Indo-Pacific Security Program seeks to provide policymakers and the general public with the analysis, insights and recommendations necessary to properly understand and navigate this vital region.  
AFPC gleans critical insights through first-hand research and delegation visits to countries of significant interest in Asia. Past AFPC delegations have explored such issues as politics and society in India, as well as religion and extremism in Indonesia, and AFPC professionals have visited Australia, New Zealand, India, Sri Lanka, Japan and South Korea to interface with high-level officials in those places.
AFPC has hosted numerous Asian dignitaries - from countries such as Indonesia, India and South Korea - during their visits to Washington, DC, affording them the opportunity to meet with senior U.S. decision-makers and opinion shapers to discuss pressing foreign policy issues. 
AFPC scholars and professionals periodically host and participate in high-level briefings on relevant topics relating to Asian security. These gatherings provide a way to educate Congressional staffers, Executive Branch officials and the general public regarding emerging political and security issues in the Asian region.
AFPC disseminates its research on Asia through articles, policy papers, and other publications. From opinion-editorials in leading publications (including Foreign Policy, The National Interest, and the Wall Street Journal Asia) to policy papers and books, AFPC scholars have contributed significantly to the Beltway debate over U.S. policy toward Asia. Additionally, AFPC scholars have provided expert commentary on Asian affairs extensively in broadcast and print media, including FOX News, the BBC, the Voice of America, The Economist, and TIME Magazine, among other outlets.

Interested in defending America’s interests in an age of great power competition? Join host Michael Sobolik as he explores insights from foreign policy experts, journalists, and policymakers to help craft a solid foundation for America’s grand strategy.

AFPC Senior Fellow for Asia James Clad and AFPC Vice President Ilan Berman meet with Yenny Wahid (center), Director of the Wahid Institute and daughter of the late Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid, in Jakarta.