Security Challenges in Africa
The Kremlin Eyes Africa
China in Africa
The Challenge of North African Salafism
The Promise And Peril Of Africa’s Cities
Competing for Africa: A Strategy for Partnerships against Predators
The Kremlin Eyes Africa
China in Africa
The Challenge of North African Salafism
The Promise And Peril Of Africa’s Cities
Competing for Africa: A Strategy for Partnerships against Predators
Resetting the U.S.-China relationship
Taking stock, and taking action
Shifting paradigms in U.S.-China relations
Party power and repression in the age of AI
U.S. foreign policy in an era of Chinese competition
The Case for Keeping the INF Treaty
Planning for Arms Control Failure
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Modernization: What and Why
The Advent of Hypersonic Weapons: Implications and Challenges for Congress, the Defense Department, and Industry
Back to the Future of Missile Defense
Climate Change and the U.S. Military
Renewables: Bridging the U.S. Energy Security Gap
How Israel Can Help Alleviate the Global Water Crisis
Food as a Terrorist Weapon
Significant Security Threats from Climate Change on the Horizon
How to Think About Denuclearizing North Korea
Understanding North Korea’s Internal Strategy
China’s Role in the North Korea Crisis
On the Outside Looking in: Russia and the Korean Peace Process
An Asian Preference for the Status Quo